Hey guys! If I’m a little MIA lately with posts, it’s because I’m super busy WRITING MY BOOK! I’ve been talking about writing a book for years now – yes, years. But, circumstances have come up lately that has given me more time to write and self-confidence enough to just go for it. YES, I finally believe in myself enough to write about my journey.
There are a lot of books out there about celiac disease and living life gluten-free. I know that. I know that the topic of being gluten-free isn’t new to books, but I feel like my unique personality can bring a certain spin and sense of humor to it that will hopefully entertain you, make you say “totally, been there done that!” and maybe even learn something. Mostly, to know that you’re not alone out there – just like what I’ve done with the Celiac and the Beast website!
I know that many of you have been asking what I’ll be writing about, and I wanted to give you a preview on WHO should read my book.
If you are new to gluten free: you’ll hopefully enjoy the tips and tricks for navigating a gluten-free world.
If you are a gluten-free veteran: you’ll probably enjoy the personal stories about being misdiagnosed for years, being poked and stuck a million times, endoscopies and colonoscopies and say “been there, done that” with a smile on your face.
If you are a family member of someone who is gluten-free: you’ll find out what it’s like to really live a gluten-free life and maybe you’ll finally understand our bizarre Thanksgiving rituals.
If you hate cooking: you’ll learn that I’m the same way, and you’ll get some easy quick recipe ideas for a safe dinner that even I can make – which speaks volumes.
If you love cooking and consider yourself a budding chef: congrats, and you’ll probably learn nothing from my recipe section of the book, but hopefully you like swearing and fart jokes.
If you are a gluten-free restaurant owner or work in a GF establishment: you’ll learn about how to do gluten-free right – not half-assed marketing tactics (which I’m sure you’re not guilty of, I am totally talking about that other gluten-free restaurant down the street from yours).
If you are my mom: I think you’ll be proud of me, or at least you’ll get to tell your coworkers that your daughter is an author – for a book that talks a lot about pooping your pants.
Now, as for what I’m writing about, you’ll have to wait until I start my Kickstarter to see the chapter lists. I wish I had the savings to write this book out of my own pocket, but I’ve spent my savings on making awesome awareness/advocacy merch for our webstore. I’ve been looking into self-publishing and getting with a great company that will help me put together the best LOOKING book (so you’ll actually be able to read it without wonky page skips, weird edits, etc.). For that, I’ll need your help. But, we’ve got some pretty awesome Kickstarter rewards planned – so you’ll get something awesome in exchange for your faith in this book!
Any pledge to my Kickstarter will be a step towards my dream. I know that sounded SO cheesy, but it’s true.
Again, thank you for everything. I wouldn’t be where I am without you – people who actually take time out of their day to READ this website, post on Facebook, and enter my giveaways, and wear my CATB-themed merchandise. I wake up every day feeling lucky because of YOU!
Do you have any sort of donation process available?! I won’t be able to donate much BUT every bit helps and I really want to see this dream happen!!
I’ll have a kickstarter up and running next month that you can donate to. Thank you SO much for your generosity!
Any news on the kickstarter? Can’t wait to share it.
July 1st…hopefully!
You can publish an eBook for under $100. Just do it! You don’t need $5000.
Now, if you were establishing a homeless shelter, or creating software for childhood literacy—well, let’s talk. I, and my friends, would be glad to help you raise all the funds you need.
Hi Sally! Thank you for your thoughts and your post. While I understand that, I want a published real book (not eBook) and I’m working with an independent local publishing company for all of the work that leads up to a book – copywriting, proofreading, editing, inside page alignment and layout, and working with a cover. On top of the publishing, it includes the time spent out of work writing for the book (a small amount compared to what I make as a freelance writer), and paying for the initial printed books that I will be taking to my first expos. I’ve seen plenty of other books that are much much more than $5,000 on Kickstarter. But, if you want to pledge your money towards other issues that you deem more worthy, I will not hold that against you. Bloggers provide a service for free for the community – a continuous source of reference and referral for others to learn from and just…talk to. Someone to tell them it’s going to be okay. I do this all for free, paying so much out of my own pocket. And I’m not asking for just flat out donations – why I went with Kickstarter is it provides rewards – including merchandise that people are already purchasing, with an extra pledge towards the creation of this book. I’m sorry you feel this way, but again, thank you for taking the time to stop by and read. I am really appreciative of anyone who takes the time to read my posts.