May 3-4, 2014
Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday: 10am to 4pm
The Town And Country Resort and Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 291-7131
I’ll be there (with bells on) as a contributor for My Life With Food Allergies! Come see me at our table!

Some of our best gluten-free friends will be there including:
- Bakery on Main
- Way Better Snacks
- Enjoy Life Food
- Rudi’s
- Udi’s
- Glutino
- Taste Guru
- New Planet
- Glutenfreeda
- Beanfields
The San Diego show will have several presenters, including food writers, authors, and Living Without editors and contributors. Meet some of our presenters below and see their lecture topics (although I’m sure they’ll be constantly updating on the website here)!
Alicia Woodward – editor-in-chief of Living Without Magazine
Topic: 10 Gluten Free Myths!
SATURDAY Time: 2:20 – 3:05 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Topic: Surprise! Top Places for Hidden Gluten
SUNDAY Time: 3:15 – 4:00 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Laura B. Russell – famous author and all-around badass lady
Topic: Identifying Gluten In Common Asian Ingredients
SATURDAY Time: 10:45 – 11:45 am
Location: Lecture room at The Town & Country
Also find Laura at the Authors Nook booth where she will have her books available including the latest book Brassicas.
Brandy Wendler – infamous cat-on-a-leash walker and GFF of Celiac and the Beast
Topic: Living A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle With Celiac Disease
SATURDAY Time: 11:55 – 1:10 pm (includes 15 min Q&A period)
Location: Lecture room at the Town & Country
Topic: Living A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle With Celiac Disease
SUNDAY Time: 11:55 – 1:10 pm (includes 15 min Q & A period)
Location: Lecture room at the Town & Country
Mary Capone – writer of The Gluten-Free Italian Cookbook
Topic: Artisan Bread Baking: Baguettes, Pizza Crust and Dinner Rolls
SATURDAY Time: 11:00 – 11:45 am
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Topic: Artisan Bread Baking: Baguettes, Pizza Crust and Dinner Rolls
SUNDAY Time: 11:00 – 11:45 am
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Topic: The Art of Gluten-Free Pastry Making
SUNDAY Time: 2:20 – 3:05 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Topic: The Art of Gluten-Free Pastry Making
SUNDAY Time: 4:10 – 5:00 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Mary will show you the basics of making and working with gluten-free pie crust and pastry dough. Don’t miss this fabulous opportunity to learn from one of the experts! How long have you been waiting to taste real bread again? Let gluten-free chef, Mary Capone teach you techniques & recipes to make a perfectly textured bread and hard rolls. Learn to make bread and rolls that you can slice, dip, toast and grill without falling apart. You will learn the secrets of a good gluten-free pizza crust that’s great everytime! Get ready to eat all the carbs you thought you had to give up!
Anne Lee – Dr. Anne is one of CATB’s favorite people in the celiac universe!
Topic: Healthy Gluten-Free On A Budget
SATURDAY Time: 1:20 – 2:20 pm
Location: Lecture room at the Town & Country
Everything from menu ideas, recipes, tips & tricks to keep your gluten-free lifestyle flavorful, healthy and within your budget.
Topic: Gluten Free 101
SUNDAY Time: 1:20 – 2:35 pm (includes 15 minute Q & A period)
Location: Lecture room at the Town & Country
This lecture gives you the basics and more. Everything you need when you are first diagnosed or if you just want a refresher. Anne will cover everything from what is safe and what is not, the new labeling law, how to keep it healthy and how to safely order in a restaurant.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan from the latest Gluten Summit
Topic: Put That Bread Down
SATURDAY Time: 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Location: Lecture room at The Town & Country
Topic: Put That Bread Down
SUNDAY Time: 2:40 – 4:00 pm (includes Q & A period)
Location: Lecture room at The Town & Country
Dr. Alex Shikhman from the Gluten-Free Remedies supplement line
Topic: Non Celiac Gluten Intolerance: Symptoms and Signs, Diagnosis and Therapy
SATURDAY Time: 3:40 – 4:55 pm (includes 15 min Q & A period)
Location: Lecture room at the Town & Country
The objective is to define non-celiac gluten intolerance and discuss symptoms and signs associated with this condition. In addition, the presentation will focus on various diagnostic modalities useful to diagnose gluten intolerance as well as therapy of specific manifestations and prevention of long-term complications.
Topic: Leaky Gut Syndrome
SUNDAY Time: 10:30 – 11:45 am (includes 15 min Q & A period)
Location: Lecture room at the Town & Country
Why is following a gluten-free diet sometimes not sufficient enough to control symptoms of gluten intolerance? The symptoms and signs of leaky gut syndrome, the candida syndrome and chronic endotoxic shock will be described in detail. Integrative therapy of the above mentioned conditions will be discussed.
Dr. Samantha Brody licensed naturopathic physician
Topic: Maximizing Your Energy on the Gluten-Free Diet
SATURDAY Time: 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Location: Lecture room at The Town & Country
In this session, Dr Samantha will explore the reasons you may still feel tired even on a gluten-free diet. From medical conditions to the foods you’re choosing, there is always a reason. Dr Samantha will expertly guide you in assessing which things you do and don’t have control over that may be making you tired, and teach you how to address them so you feel the best you possibly can every single day.
Jaquy Yngvason – previous culinary producer at The Food Network and working on a documentary “Tasty Freedom”
Topic: Quick Superfood Zucchini Steak with Steak Frit Side and Sauce
SATURDAY Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Zucchini’s cut in half and seasoned, just like steak but with all the added benefits that include antioxidants and fiber. This dish will leave you full of good energy. Paired with a creamy cashew spicy sauce! You will also learn how to make quick n’ tasty French fries without losing the flavor and the love of the fry! Potatoes are packed with nutrients and vitamins. You will learn the versatility of the amazing potato!
Topic: Cheap Gluten-Free Road Snacks
SUNDAY Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Jaquy will take cooked chickpeas and show you that they are not just hummus’s best friend but now your sidekick on the road! We will take cooked chickpeas and demonstrate how to make protein popcorn and road protein snacks!
Kristine Kidd – previous food editor for Bon Appetit magazine and auhtor of numerous cookbooks.
Topic: Former Bon Appetit Food Editor Cooks Gluten-Free
SATURDAY Time: 1:10 – 2:10 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Topic: Former Bon Appetit Food Editor Cooks Gluten-Free
SUNDAY Time: 1:10 – 2:10 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
After discovering she had celiac disease, Kristine Kidd, former food editor for Bon Appetit magazine, had one objective: to eat as well as she always had. Kristine will talk about her transition to a gluten-free lifestyle and her approach to gluten-free cooking. She emphasizes fresh, seasonal ingredients and naturally gluten-free ingredients. She came up with tasty and satisfying solutions to the challenges that face the gluten-free cook, and many of her favorite recipes are in her recent book, Weeknight Gluten Free.
Kim Rice
Topic: Losing Weight on a Gluten-Free Diet
Time: 3:15 – 4:00 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Athletes and celebrities are raving about the benefits of a gluten-free diet, yet many go on it and actually gain weight. Coach Kim Rice will share with us the benefits of a gluten-free diet, how to implement it to optimize health and achieve and maintain a healthy body weight for you. Kim has lost over 60 pounds and kept if off for seven years. She has also resolved a long list of health issues by removing gluten and other inflammatory foods from her diet. Even if weight loss isn’t your concern, Kim will share with you the importance of implementing the gluten-free diet in a way that optimizes your health. Join her as she shares her experience and expertise on the demo stage.
Debbie Adler, Owner of the Gluten-Free Bakery Sweet Debbie’s Organic Treats
Topic: Chocoholic Gluten-Free Vegan Cupcakes
Time: 5:10 – 6:00 pm
Location: Demo stage in the vendor area
Debbie will show us how she makes her best selling Chocoholic Cupcakes and how she combines organic whole foods and high fiber gluten-free flours with the low-glycemic, all-natural sweeteners coconut nectar and stevia to make scrumptious dark chocolate cupcakes and frosting. Debbie will share the secret techniques that are used in her bakery to create all the Sweet Debbie’s desserts as well as the nutritional values of each ingredient. Debbie is the author of Sweet Debbie’s Organic Treats: Allergy-free & Vegan Recipes From the Famous Los Angeles Bakery. Join Debbie before her demo at the Authors Booth where she will have copies of her fabulous book for purchase.
So how do YOU get in on the San Diego action?
And I’ll see you at the show!
I’ll be there! It’ll be my first gluten free fair ever so I’m super excited!!!
I’ll be there. I can tell you in person how much I enjoyed your book, thanks for sending it so quickly. You did a great job.