What is Fair Trade?
Via Fair Trade USA, “Fair Trade goods are just that. Fair. From far-away farms to your shopping cart, products that bear our logo come from farmers and workers who are justly compensated. We help farmers in developing countries build sustainable businesses that positively influence their communities. We’re a nonprofit, but we don’t do charity. Instead, we teach disadvantaged communities how to use the free market to their advantage. With Fair Trade USA, the money you spend on day-to-day goods can improve an entire community’s day-to-day lives.” So what’s the certification about? “Fair Trade is a global trade model and certification allows shoppers to quickly identify products that were produced in an ethical manner.”
Before we talk about what you can do for Fair Trade, make sure you learn what Fair Trade is all about at FairTradeCampaigns.org. You can download resources for anything you’d like to learn more about – Fair Trade bananas, coffee, tea, apparel, seafood and more.
There are three steps that you can take this Fair Trade Month, all from Fair Trade USA. See the full steps here.
Fair Trade is a market-based approach to fighting poverty. That means that it only works when you actually buy the stuff. So please hold up your end of the bargain and look for the Fair Trade Certified label every time you shop.
As they say: Think globally, act locally. Fair Trade Campaigns is a powerful grassroots movement focused on growing awareness, availability, and commitment to Fair Trade to improve impoverished communities around the world.
Believe it or not, YOU have the power to improve the world. It all starts with a simple act of sharing. Speak up. Be bold. Tell your family and friends why you support Fair Trade.
More Than Coffee and Chocolate
Yes, fair trade is more than coffee and chocolate! It’s tea. It’s apparel. It’s flowers. It’s body care. It’s home goods too! I just learned that West Elm has a whole line of products that are fair trade! And yes, it includes a felt cat ornament that I’m hoping someone gets me for Christmas.
Speaking of Tea…
I’ve teamed up with Honest Tea, makers of Fair Trade Certified Tea, to give you guys a great giveaway celebrating Fair Trade month. Follow the Rafflecopter terms and conditions below in order to enter. US Only.
Doing more research on products that I use a lot!
We are really trying to look for the certification n products we buy…we do not want to be complicit in the exploitation of people.
Looking more carefully at labels although most of the food products we buy are already #FairTradeCertified.
I will be more conscientious of the products I buy.
I’m going to buy fair trade items to support fair trade this month and all the time.
I’m buying more and more products that are #FairTrade. Still Googling what other #FairTrade products that suits me&my family.
I’m going to try to purchase items that are fair trade other than coffee and chocolate!
I am handing out Fair Trade Halloween candy.
Buy fair trade tea and chocolate.
I will be purchasing more fair trade items, like coffee and chocolate.
I’m going to pay more attention to labels and purchase fair trade items. I’ll also try to educate others about the importance of fair trade.
I try to buy fair trade products when possible.
I support local and fair trade products whenever I can instead of big corporate companies. #befair is the way to go 🙂
for sure paying attention to labels
Buy some tea 😉
make more of an effort to read labels and seek out fair trade products
I will purchase more Fair Trade products. I will tell more friends and family members about why they should be supporting Free Trade!
I will purchase more Fair trade products. I will tell more friends and family members why they should be supporting Fair Trade.
Our family is checking the products we buy to see if the are fair trade products and making the switches when necessary.
Spreading awareness!!