Tar-jey. Target. The place with everything.
I would typically asked if you are familiar with a brand – but everyone knows about Target. It’s a favorite place for many of us. I, myself, admit to spending a bit more of my budget fairly regularly at the bullseye.
As an influencer, I was sent a Back to School bag of goodies from Target’s Made to Matter collection. “Made to Matter – Handpicked by Target” is a collection of natural, organic, and sustainable brands. Learn more at Target – Made to Matter online. Check out some highlights of some of my favorite brands and products in the influencer bag.

Pacifica is 100% vegan makeup. Most of their products are formulated without gluten. In fact, I can’t find one that contains gluten, but always read the labels!

Shea Moisture products are natural products that smell tremendous and are free from gluten (at least all of the products I have used have). This is the hair color that I use when I have black hair – it’s the best and most nourishing hair care I’ve used. While my Target stopped carrying the hair dye, it carries most of their hair care line (PS you can order their hair color online). I use their bath and beauty products regularly, but they also make cosmetics.

Method Home makes powerful soap and home cleaning products. I am a Method fanatic. I primarily use their hand soaps and dish soap, but have also used their dishwashing detergents and laundry detergents. Their Rebecca Atwood collections are some of my favorite scents throughout the year. Unlike other scents, these do not give me headaches and wash clean off of your hands or dishes so you don’t smell like you just doused yourself with perfume while trying to clean!
Annie’s makes organic products, and has a collection of gluten-free products ranging from fruit snacks to vegan mac and cheese. If you can do dairy, I hear their GF mac and (dairy) cheese is pretty great. They just launched a ton of new organic products that aren’t necessarily gluten free, but I love what this company is doing.
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day makes a line of basil scented soaps and cleaning products that are some of my favorite. They just launched an Apple Cider line that I’m excited to try out.
Nature’s Path is an organic breakfast company that we’ve featured several times before on Celiac and the Beast. Their new line of Envirokidz granola bars are made in a dedicated peanut-free facility – look for the new label on specific bars!

Seventh Generation Free & Clear line is offered in laundry detergent and dish detergent. While you may think – why would I need fragrances and dyes removed from my dishes? They’re not on my skin – I don’t wear them. Well, let me tell you that I am a freak about how my dishes smell. Those overly fake fragrances on my dishes make me nauseated. I had to wash my dishes after the dishwasher cleaned them. Gross. Fragrance free for me!
When shopping for groceries, bath and beauty, and household cleaning supplies, don’t forget about these brands in the Made to Matter collection from Target!
We love Seventh Generation! The only problem with buying it at Target is you’ll end up buying an entire cartful of other items, too 😉
Next time I need to “justify” a Target run this will definitely come in handy. Not like I need more reasons to go to Target. It is my favorite place to shop!
Yay for Tar-jey! Not only did they step up their home decor game, but now also natural products! I saw recently at my local Target they carry my favorite coconut face cream from Alaffia (gluten free)! Can’t wait to check out more of these products!
xo, Kristina
Awesome finds! I’ll have to look for these items the next time I’m at Target!!
Completely with you on fragrance free. I have to be gluten free, but can tolerate all the other common antigens. It looks like I need to look into Target (probably tar-zhey at the prices of this stuff, but I guess I’ll find out).