Oats are such a hot topic in our gluten-free community. As you probably know, commercially-grown oats (those not labeled gluten-free and simply stated as “oats” on a label) are not safe for those with celiac disease. Because of cross-contamination in the field and in manufacturing with wheat, commercial oats contain levels of gluten that are unsafe for those with celiac disease, well over 20ppm of gluten.

What Are Purity Protocol Oats?
In gluten-free products, you’ll see that most brands use gluten-free oats. These can either be certified gluten-free oats, or gluten-free oats made in a certified product, or oats that are tested to be gluten-free for under 20ppm. They use a process of mechanical and optical sorting. Commercially grown oats are sorted via machine to sort out an acceptable amount of gluten-containing grains. However, with this methodology, there can be hot spots – errant grains that make the otherwise under 20ppm product unsafe.
Because of this methodology and their hot spots, a handful of oat growers and manufacturers use oats that are purity protocol. Purity protocol oats are grown in dedicated gluten-free fields away from grains, can use gluten-free trucks to ship the oats, and can use a dedicated gluten-free facility to package. These are truly the safest oats for those with celiac.
So why doesn’t every brand use purity protocol oats? It’s expensive, and there’s only so much of it. There is no way that Quaker Oats, Cheerios, and all the other mainstream oat brands with gluten-free products could use purity protocol oats – their products would price themselves out of the marketplace, they’d lose buyers, and we would run out of purity protocol oats. You should always use your best judgement when purchasing products made with mechanically separated oats.

Zego Organic Purity Protocol Oats
But today, I’m going to chat with you about a new brand of purity protocol oats for the celiac community – ZEGO Foods Exceptional Oats. Not only are they purity protocol oats, but they’re raw with live enzymes. It makes your morning oatmeal or any other oat-based recipes a little creamier. This is perfect for creating perfect oatmilk!

ZEGO Exceptional Oats are also organic, non-GMO and tested for glyphosate residue and 400 other pesticides and herbicides. The end product is also certified gluten-free and tested for the top 12 allergens. If you’re looking for the cleanest oats, try ZEGO.
Because these oats are hulless, they have an enzyme that can give these oats a bitter note if you don’t bake or cook with them. Make sure you pour hot water on them or cook them in water before using them in a no-bake recipe.

Creamy Brown Sugar Oatmeal Recipe
I love making my morning oatmeal with full-fat coconut milk – the type you typically find in a can. I typically buy Native Forest (from Edward & Sons) or Thai Kitchen coconut milk in bulk (affiliate link). If you prefer not to use a can, or want something a little lighter, try coconut milk from So Delicious – but always get the unsweetened variety! I find that this makes the absolute creamiest oatmeal around. After it’s done cooking, I add a spoonful of brown sugar and top with fruit!
My Partnership with Zego Foods
I love being an affiliate for ZEGO Foods and promoting their incredible work for the food allergy and gluten-free community. Founder Colleen is a great person, and has always supported the work of Celiac and the Beast. By purchasing products from ZEGO Foods through me, I get a small kickback that I can use to fund my blog and keep Celiac and the Beast running!
I’d love for you to be able to try some of these Exceptional Oats! Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveawayBest Gluten-Free Oatmeal Recipes
If you’re looking for gluten-free recipes that you can use along with ZEGO Exceptional Oats, try these out!
My Gluten-Free Kitchen Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
My Gluten-Free Kitchen Peanut Butter Oatmeal Fudge Bars
Gluten-Free Palate Gluten-Free Pumpkin Bread
Gluten-Free Palate Gluten-Free Blackberry Crisp
Vegetarian Mamma SunButter Banana Oatmeal
Meaningful Eats Flourless Oatmeal Almond Butter Cookies

I would make oatmeal and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies!
I love adding oatmeal to meatloaf for a heartier flavor, but some oatmeal raisin cookies sound yummy, too!! And those recipes..ongoodness, I can’t wait to try them!!
Id make oatmeal cookies
The creamy picture has me looking forward to oatmeal to start my day and keep me feeling full longer. Curious what it will do for banana bread!
How do you purchase Zego Oats?
On https://zegofoods.com/
I have a recipe for chocolate coconut oat bars I am dying to try!
I would make overnight oats!
I would make oatmeal raisin cookies
I would make cranberry and orange overnight oats.